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source UIL

Developers should consider the need for autonomy of all people using their applications and simultaneously support their attitude to peer-to-peer learning (asking other users, friends or even unknown people support). As an example, applications dedicated to people with impairments should be comprehensible enough to all people who do not experience the same barriers, in order to ensure that support can be offered by friends, family or caregivers in case of need.

Asking for assistance in using a new software or application is a common habit to all users during first exploration of a new app. At the same time, developers should ensure that official contact-points on multiple channels are available at all times, prepared to offer proper and prompt assistance if the application is not working as expected.

Recommendation code: 30
source UDM

In user interfaces multimodal interaction is defined as the option for the users of a software or application to receive the same message on different sensory channels, thus ensuring redundancy. An effective multimodal interaction requires that information presented to the different sensory channels is coordinated and made congruent informational as well as spatially and temporally. There are specific guidelines to develop auditory and haptic icons and ensure they are correctly designed and safely interacting with the other parts of the user interface.

A blind or low vision person should already pay attention to complex information on multiple sensory channels: auditory, tactile and haptic (with their feet, sticks and hands), olfactive (some may recognize the smell of different vehicles and also gain information about objects’ distance). To successfully integrate in your digital application environmental cues and the guidance about the current status (e.g. of stop lights), multimodal interaction should not be too invasive or cause information overload that may cause anxiety and pose risks.

  • Implement auditory labels, including the possibility to turn them on and off. Messages presented using a voiceover tend to be assimilated with less effort than the same messages presented through visual media and all users could benefit from their advantages.
  • Add a voice-assisted menu (for people with reduced vision).
  • Test your auditory and haptic icons with the people who will most benefit from such integration: the blind people and the visually impaired. To go the extra mile, actual blindfold challenges could be an activity offering important insights to service providers and developers and it is does not require much effort or cost.


Recommendation code: 32
source UIL

The W3C (World Wide Web Consortium initiative) guidelines can be considered the main reference for developers who want to receive clear guidance and technical details about coding any digital content in compliance with accessibility regulations. Reaching at least the AA level is mandatory for all web-pages since 2020 and it mainly implies a responsible and structured coding to ensure basic accessibility and enable all people living with low to heavy impairments to interact and operate with web-based contents. Web-pages shall be coded in a way that is readable by assistive technologies which role is that of “translating” contents and offering tailored interaction options to specific users.

Recommendation code: 1