Total Results: 53
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source UDM

Use an understandable language to make potential users feel part of the service. If people do not understand how to use the service or what it is used for, adoption will be limited. Contrary, easy understandable language will invite users to test these new mobility services:

  • Avoid technical words, uses simple, recognisable and clear words and phrases to ask questions, to describe or to explain
  • Provide multilingual support
  • Avoid foreign words and translate all terms appropriately
  • Avoid jargon, abbreviations and other difficult or complex words and phrases.
Recommendation code: 97
source CS
  • Establish rules for usage of external devices (e.g. usb devices, personal devices, ecc…) at work/home
  • Create a process for a prompt and shared reaction in case of data breach and inform users to increase trust.
  • Perform auditing and drills, and establish processes/routines to control possible mistakes of employees and/or respond to incidents.
Recommendation code: 187
source CS
  • Define processes to manage risks. A key aspect to consider is a “PLAN_DO_CHECK_ACT” style process
  • Manage information secuirty according to ISO27001 standards
  • Regarding cyberthreats ISO28000 and NIST800 are among the most used standards and guidelines, and they can be applied also to SMEs or small organisations
Recommendation code: 186
source CS

A full and easy access to your Privacy Policy, Terms of Use and Personal Data Treatment information should be provided to all users, especially vulnerable-to-exclusion users, mitigating readability issues. Inclusivity can be increased by:

  • Avoiding collecting unnecessary data from users and always asking for their permission before accessing features or information on their devices (e.g. camera, microphone, contact details, biometric data…);
  • Periodically reviewing the actual data collection procedures and developing an automated procedure to remove unnecessary/expired data;
  • Collecting as little personal data as possible and provide the same level of service and comprehensibility of your data treatment to all users, including impaired ones;
  • Ensuring personal data is always available for users to edit, posing no time-limits and no risk of data loss during compilation;
  • Providing higher control on data and support to users, for example offering direct link to organisations that users can call anonymously to receive help (trusted referees);
  • Developing the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use also in a version with easy-to-read contents, offering when possible visual explanations and simplified navigation across sections and text blocks;
  • Developing alternative versions of the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use in multimedia formats (short videos or animations, sign-language or audio-recordings) summarising the main points;
  • Splitting all data treatment contents in smaller information “pieces”, in order to be able to easily update when needed.
Recommendation code: 181
source CS
  • Use advanced technologies for detecting intrusion anomalies, e.g., online scanners, and pen-testing software
  • Protect APIs using tokens that are renewed hourly, and enhance awareness and processes to avoid theft of API keys
  • Consider and evaluate security of third party services, especially if are major components of your system
  • Paying attention to bugs and vulnerabilities is essential. The vulnerabilities discovered must be fixed or mitigation measures must be taken to reduce the risks. A continuous check and update is better than having larger ones. The system must be designed so that the service is not impacted by security updates
  • Use backup systems to ensure redundancy
Recommendation code: 175
source UDM
  • The service should offer alternative channels for the customer service (e.g. personal assistance, support at contact points; remote help via phone; remote help online (in video, audio, or text); assistance chat for people who cannot speak / cannot speak the language)
  • Service customer service should be available 24/7, if possible, or at least during service working hours
  • Service customer service should be accessible in several languages
  • Let all potential users about the existence of service via as many channels as possible (e.g. electronic media, online; social media, influencers; integration in electronic services, e.g., Google Maps; local, printed media; flyers, brochures; local organizations, associations; advertisements in local stores, services, schools)


Recommendation code: 162
source UDM

Service personnel, especially those involved as drivers and or riders, should care about the users’ need of feeling safe and secure, and of the importance of a positive direct human contact.

  • Service providers should establish and communicate a Covid-19 clearing protocol and actions to prevent infection
  • Service providers should consider hiring personnel with impairments as contact persons
  • Service personnel should take good care of good manners and wear a clearly distinguishable outfit (e.g. introduce themselves and ensure their appearance is consistent with the company identity, if any)
  • Driver profile and her/his unique identification data shall be clearly displayed in the application but also onboard/on the driver’s badge
  • Add a photo of the rider/driver that will serve the user for better identification
  • Ensure users can have a direct contact with the driver/delivery person in an anonymous way, whose information is also anonymised
  • Offer users the possibility to know the gender of the driver/rider through the App
  • Users shall be notified before driver/rider arrival
  • Include map visualization with the real time position of driver/rider (important for ride-sharing / ride-hailing and delivery) using different icons to identify it (e.g., the pin that indicates the real-time location of the driver/rider, different pin-point icons to indicate the place of origin and destination; driver’s route visible with a dotted line).
  • When finalising their order, ask users if they prefer to use an intercom or whether the driver should announce arrival via phone call.
  • Give users the possibility to leave comments and rate a driver/rider
  • Include an emergency button in case of physical/ sexual attack / Create help button.


Recommendation code: 160
source UDM
  • Ensure users can reach out for support immediately, requiring a minimum input/effort
  • Provide users understandable instructions and description on how human assistance can be reached
Recommendation code: 155