Build trust, connect with committed communities and plan periodic and incremental improvements

  • Build trust and set a long-term strategy to become a trustworthy and inclusive service provider, by joining prominent communities who can witness, assess and/or certify your level of accessibility.
  • Create links with informal communities of experts. The internet is an extremely abundant Pandora’s pot, where you can meet all kinds of people with impairments who are also technology geeks. There are communities keen to contribute to research and development of new solutions in all fields. Invest time to make desk research out of academic papers and regulations, into the informal networks of gamers, bloggers and accessible internet trend-setters.
  • Build connections with or find existing networks of international or local organisations who commit to inclusion that could offer support and bridge vulnerable users needs to the developers’ team. Include their names and contacts in the users’ support area.
  • Plan periodic improvement of accessibility and let users know you do, taking advantage of the information collected through dedicated forms, contact-point and organisations’ network, plan to periodically improve your service accessibility and let users know about your commitment